Thursday, November 14, 2013

A nice Wednesday

Yesterday was a typical Wednesday. At the clinic. A man thanked me for his wife. Her debilitating digestive symptoms and anxiety subsided after Shiatsu. She was finally able to enjoy a good night sleep. For him, walking has improved significantly, and he sleeps now (leg pain was keeping him awake). After getting twice a week of forceful low back adjustments for sciatica elsewhere, a gentle route with a combination of Acupuncture and Shiatsu finally made him feel better, focusing on his piriformis muscle, IT band and sacroiliac joint.  His energy is so much better. Then a 26 year old who overdid it at the gym. Her high school job was in a funeral home, then she became a funeral home director. Now she is a fire fighter. Very humbling for me. At her age I was far from having the maturity and people’s awareness required in such positions. A lady in her seventeen's jumped all over the table when I told her I passed my exam for the acupuncture college. I am glad we were actually not doing acupuncture that day! Teaching Tai-Chi that evening. Awesome group, mid thirties to mid eighties. We’re starting nice spine and body loosening QiGong. After a couple of years of practice, they’re much more flexible and enjoy better coordination and balance. Neat!

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