Monday, November 21, 2016

Wellness tips for the winter

Do you struggle in the winter with low energy, or are you feeling overwhelmed with all the things to do before year end?
Here are important tips from Traditional Chinese Medicine, and from my own observations:
  • Plan something to look forward to in the new year - the anticipation will keep you going.
  • Rest, give yourself plenty of time to sleep, take breaks - You'll achieve more in the long run.
  • Make time for introspection - you'll find new riches within.
  • Eat cooked foods and stay away from the raw and the cold, and always eat a very substantial breakfast with healthy proteins and fibres - you'll digest better and will have more energy throughout the cold months.
  • Cover up and down (protect your neck with a scarf, and keep your belly, low back, and feet warm) - it will literally keep colds away.
This age-old wisdom is totally relevant for us today!  I will elaborate a bit more about these in a couple of weeks: stay tuned!